About Us
Our Vision
We want to be a community where:
people of all ages encounter the living God.
we care for one another and find refreshment.
people from all parts of our diverse local community are represented.
people are nurtured and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
we learn to be prayerful and generous.
creativity is free-flowing.
Our Team
Our Priest-in-charge
Al Rycroft ( on extended study leave from 1 Feb - 1 May)
Andy Hagon - Curate email: andy.hagon@yahoo.co.uk
Anne Wooldridge - Community & Pastoral Team Leader email: anne.wooldridge@stthomasyork.org.ukk
Lucy Baines and Dan Baines - Children & Families Team Leaders email: lucycbaines@hotmail.com
Sam Nunes - Associate Pastor and Students Team Leader email: samuelanunes@hotmail.com
Jo Bloss - Churchwarden email: jo.bloss@stthomasyork.org.uk
Matt Neale - Church Warden
Ross Watson - PCC Treasurer
David Stirk - Property and Fabric
Tom Dennis - PCC Secretary
Gerald Snowden - Deanery Synod Rep
Viv Pennock
Dave pennock
Pete Platts
Ruth Dunlop
Bryony Dansey
Tom Button
Phil Harman
Ellie H - Safeguarding Officer email: safeguarding@stthomasyork.org.uk